Wilson Nesbitt is a dynamic and progressive Belfast law firm that provides a wide range of services to private individuals, partnerships and companies. These include direct relationships with 15 lenders operating in the Northern Ireland market for whom the firm acts in lending, repossession sales and other recovery matters.
Case Management
Wilson Nesbitt has had an in-house IT team since 1998 who work closely with Wilson Nesbitt solicitors to create easy to use, practical case management systems developed in line with the objectives of the firm and its clients.
Continual investment in IT and personnel ensures that Wilson Nesbitt continues to set new standards of quality and speed of response in the Northern Ireland legal market.
Online access for clients
Since 2002 Wilson Nesbitt has provided for clients the transparency of online access to their file “case history” and “to-do list”. Clients are provided with secure passwords and access code information and if the client authorises it so are their professional advisors such as estate agents and financial advisors.
This allows the clients and their associates and advisors to monitor and externally police the performance of the legal executives running their case 24/ 7. In addition, Wilson Nesbitt systems generate automatic weekly email and SMS text updates to clients. Both the knowledge the client is watching and the helpful impact of the immediate feedback from clients to events have pushed Wilson Nesbitt service standards up to new levels.
Wilson Nesbitt at the market peak handled over 1700 lending and transactional instructions per month (sales, purchasers, remortgages, second charge securitisations) whilst maintaining at all times a high level of service for all corporate clients, their customers and individual clients. Wilson Nesbitt currently accepts in the region of 500 instructions per month including both lending, transactional, appointment of receiver, litigation recovery and repossession sales. Wilson Nesbitt accepts instructions in all electronic formats.
Management Reporting Systems
A spin-off from the use of workflow case management is the ability to automatically generate customised management reports. These are designed to client/introducer requirements. These reports can be sent either by secure email links, fax or made visible via a secure password-protected website on the firm’s servers. Wilson Nesbitt can design reports to give periodic status updated on all transactions, with explanations, if necessary, as to why deadlines have not been met.
Wilson Nesbitt is committed to keep its IT ahead of clients’ expectations. Wilson Nesbitt has won the Belfast Telegraph Business Awards in the category for “Best Use of IT” in competition with all other commercial and industrial sectors in Northern Ireland. The firm has also been in the final shortlist for the same award subsequently. Wilson Nesbitt has also won the Chartered Institute of Marketing Services Marketing Award and the firm’s website has been judged Northern Ireland “Legal Website of the Year” (www.wilson-nesbitt.co.uk). The firm continues to regularly win local and Northern Ireland regional IT and customer care awards.